I read, that "Lost' is compared to 'Twin Peaks' - under the mystical view. After having watched 96 episodes of 'Lost' in a row now (on average 4 episodes per day) I can tell you, not a lot is more wrong than this equalization. Because - nothing, really nothing(!) compares to 'Twin Peaks' (as far as I know). In 'Lost' the mystical always has to be proved, by strange events like leaps in time etc. In 'Twin Peaks' the mysterious lies in the common, no elaborated (means superficial) thoughts or actions are necessary. And I would like to say it again: The reason for David Lynchs unique approach to our so called 'reality' is his deep understanding and knowledge of the sprit, based on his long-time meditation (and of course karmic preconditions).
A scene like the following never could have been appeared in 'Lost':